Thursday, July 5, 2012

Past and Present Happenings

Way too much time has gone by without my updating. Therefore, rather than trying to write and catch up on several months of life with wordy details, just sit back and enjoy a long photo montage, dating back to February.

Vance turned 24!

Happy Birthday,  Love!

The company I work for, Zoobies, flew us to NYC with them to participate in the 2012 Toy Fair! We had a blast. I got to meet many of the people I've been networking with for the past 2 years, and got to be in the presence of some many fun booths and toys.

Sometimes I think I have a cool job

Playing with Clifford at the Toy Fair

While in Manhattan, we also enjoyed Time Square, Broadway (Phantom!), the Empire State Building, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and some of the best food we've ever eaten, among other things. It was such a fun opportunity. On the flight home, we even met a couple of celebrities!

We made it!
Looking ugo,  but feeling the NYC energy!

Home of the best burger you'll ever taste in your mortal life

Radio City! 
Can't go wrong eating from a hot dog stand

My sweet boy carrying our broken luggage bag all around town.
Oh Conan...  :)

Ronald would be proud
New York magic
Even their barcodes are cooler.....

On a search for Ross, Rachel, Monica, Joey, Chandler, and Phoebe, but none of our friends could be found.
Vance the gargoyle
I just think he's really cute is all :)

I could really go for a strawberry-banana smoothie

Going up!
Twas FREEZING up here. I don't recall my teeth ever chattering so hard or so fast in my entire life.

Vance being goofy....

And finally, a cute one :)
"I'm the King of the World!"
Morning stroll to work
Mmmm....sewer :)

Can you tell it's almost Valentines Day?
"Bring the head of a pig and a goblet of something"

The Zoobies gang chillin' on Times Square

Cheese ballin' it. Getting ready to eat at Carmines!

Best Valentines Day ever :)

Isn't she lovely?

Big Bubbles! 

View from our Zoobies Booth

Subbin' it up to SoHo
Love the enthusiasm JC. Treft's could use some work... 

To be honest, I don't know why I'm posting this one.
Window shopping in SoHo. Can't even afford their clearance racks.

Too funny :)


Delicious! We ate here.  And you know who else has eaten here? Kirsten Dunst, Mila Kunis, and Justin Timberlake. So it must be legit. Best corn on the cob ever. 
The Street currently known as....

Reminds me of Flight of the Conchords 

Waiting for Brett and Jemaine to come outside so we can stalk them.

I truly wanted this little hedge hog purse!
What can I say? I love cheesy window art. 
Rice pudding is trendy in NYC. Any hipster would kill to eat here.

On our last day, we went to visit The Met!

First class on the flight home. (yes I know, I look like hell). 

Randi Fenoli from "Say Yes to the Dress" sat right behind us!  He was too nice to tell me I was a fashion disaster. What a sweetheart. 
Ran into Evander Holyfield at the airport. 

Spring Break!

We spent a few days down South where we stayed with my sister Alison and her husband Travis in Cedar City....

I just think this picture is cute. We took it at Ali and Trav's house. 
.....then ventured to St. George to play with Vance's best friend Kolby and his cute wife Amy.

Day 2 of St. George.....

Lastly, we headed to Vegas to visit one of Vance's favorite mission buddies, Caleb. It was a blast, and a much needed getaway from work and school.


Festival of Colors!
This fun event, which takes place every spring in Spanish Fork to represent and welcome the return of spring, is where Vance and I became boyfriend and girlfriend 2 years ago. We went this year and took with us Vance's younger brother and cousin.

The Hunger Games
I was dying to watch the movie, so we made a date of it. As a fan of the trilogy books, I loved the movie. As someone who hadn't ever read the books, Vance loved the movie. It was a blockbuster success!

Also in March, Vance got shingles. Shingles! Can you believe it? Poor boy was in so much pain, but he's tough, and worked through it like a champ. I dyed my hair red (after being my natural color for over a year), and we discovered some new bands we really love. Among them, check these guys out.

We also watched a lot of Flight of the Conchords..... (Jemaine, the one with the glasses, reminds me of how my Dad looked in his late 20's to early 30's...)

Even with finals, finals, and more finals; a very stressful time of year for my baby, and in return, myself, we managed to have a little bit of fun.

With both of us having an extreme case of Spring Fever.... we bought bikes! We'd both been secretly obsessing with the idea of owning bikes and going on excellent biking adventures together for months, so when we admitted our fantasies to each other, we knew it was meant to be.

We also enjoyed the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point with our awesome friends Peggy and Thad Paget. Utah sure can be gorgeous when it wants to be.

With school out, Vance and I wasted no time to fill our days with activities we were deprived with when he was in school. Barbeques, biking, mini golfing, theater (dollar) movies, and time with family and friends consumed our evenings. And what better way to greet the summer season than San Diego and Disneyland with the fam!

Day 1

Day 2


Day 3

Day 4 ( I apologize, most of these photos are really washed out, but I am way too lazy to photo edit them at this point)

Day 5

Our Condo

And there you have it. Phew! That took a long time to update. Stay tuned for summer updates. It may take me another 6 months, but it'll happen. 

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