Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year New Me

2013 was good, but 2014 is going to be even better. Below are 5 goals I hope to attain this coming year. Some are superficial, some spiritual, and some are rather ambitious. All are important to me.

5) Actually take the time to do my hair

And while we are at it, can I just look like Jen in general?

I always let it air dry, and the majority of the time it's frumpishly pulled back into a bun or braids, or I'm letting the air dried curls hang down, and it doesn't ever look very good. I'm just not a big fan of spending a lot of time on my hair, and prefer to sleep in, or basically do anything else. However, my confidence is always boosted ten fold when my hair is done, so I need to get over my laziness and take Nike's slogan to heart; Just Do It. (Even if it does mean waking up an hour earlier....ugh.)

 4) Do yoga and/or pilates at least 2 times a week 

I really love it and the way it makes me feel -- inside and out-- I just need to make time for it. That's the hard part.

3) Read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover

I know, I know. That was my goal for 2012, but hey, guess what? It didn't happen. And I was so burnt out from 2012 that I didn't even bother to write down goals or a bucket list for 2013.  So it's my goal again this year. And luckily, there is a 365 day challenge I can follow for this, that I think will help make it easier to do.

The next 2 are goals from 2012 as well, but didn't happen so I am recycling them again for 2014.

2) Make a baby

I'm 27 years old dammit, and I'm not getting any younger. I planned it out in 2011 so that our first child would be born when I was 25. I'd have a kid every 2 years, and be done by 30. That plan bombed hardcore. 2012 was too stressful, 2013 left me without health insurance for a good 5 months, and we just cannot seem to get pregnant on our own. Thus, I have decided that 2014 is our year. C'mon baby!

1) Write, illustrate, and publish my first children's book

Ambitious, I know. Especially when I work full time and am trying to get pregnant. But I've realized that the timing is never going to get better, and I just need to make time for it. I was inspired with a story that came to my head a couple years ago, and I feel like it is time to finally make my dreams a reality. I have truly discovered the potential of my artistic talents over the past couple of years, and have realized I have no limits. No more waiting around, saying someday. That someday is THIS year!

And there you have it! Wish me luck, and I wish all of you the best new year as well.


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