Saturday, March 1, 2014

V-Day 2014

February 14th.

I love Valentine's Day. I always have. In years past, it didn't matter whether I spent it romantically with a boyfriend, or if it was spent eating homemade pizza and rootbeer with my parents. I love all of the red and pink hearts, frosting and sprinkles, making fun decorated cards, and forgetting that it is cold and gloomy outside. It adds a little glimmer of excitement and hope to an otherwise drab month. February 14th is a day to really focus on the people you care about, and let them know you love them. Because let's face it, we all forget to spread a little love on a regular basis. Creating a holiday dedicated to LOVE helps remind us to treat those we love (whether romantically or not) how they deserve to always feel. Flowers, candy, and jewelry are just an added bonus :)

With Vance in my life, Valentine's Day has been just that much better. He has been my Valentine since 2010, and it's always been a special day for us. And not because we go all out to impress each other. It is special because we both get so excited to do or make something thoughtful for the other person that we know will let the other know that he/she is special. On our first Valentine's Day, Vance was shy to ask me if I would be his lady on Valentine's Day. We didn't become official for another month or so, but in our early days, he always called me his girl. I remember very vividly, being "his girl" that year. I made him a large cookie and spelled out in frosting "I think you are cute." We didn't know much about each other yet, but because our first topic of conversation happened to be about Michael Jackson (go figure) just one month before, Vance got me the MJ movie, This Is It, that had just come out on DVD.

Our next Valentine's Day was our first year as a married couple. I still get misty eyed when I think about coming home from work, and going to open to the door just to hear Vance shout, "Don't come in yet! I'm not quite ready for you." I then heard dishes clanking, and cupboards opening and closing. When I was allowed to enter, the dining room was dimly lit and set for 2, there were rose petals everywhere, and Vance had made me dinner and chocolate dipped strawberries, topped off with a single red rose. Vance has always gone the extra mile to make sure I know I'm still his lady.

This year, Vance might have outdone himself. I still get giddy over his thoughtful ideas. I've never recieved a box of chocolates or a teddy bear from him, even though I'd giggle like crazy over it. He always tries to put some kind of sentiment behind what he is giving me. It started out with flowers, orchids to be exact, that he hand delivered me to work with a kiss. I was so flustered and giddy I could hardly concentrated the remainder of the day.

Then, I came home to an exciting surprise. If any of you have ever watched How I Met Your Mother, you will know how sweet this is. For those who don't know, I will quickly explain.

The main character of the show, Ted, is madly in love with this girl named Robin. Ted is a helpless romantic who wears his heart on his sleeve. Robin is a jaded skeptic who keeps anyone who might have feelings for her at a distance. Being madly in love with Robin, Ted will do anything to prove to Robin that he wants to be with her. One evening they are out to dinner at a fancy restaurant in NYC, and and are sitting directly below a French Blue Horn being displayed in the restaurant.

Robin mentions she would like a horn like that to display in her apartment. It's been a few years since I've last seen this episode, so my memory is a little bit hazy, but after a little spat that the 2 have (probably Robin telling Ted they are not compatible and cannot and will not work out), Ted ends up going back to the restaurant to steal the blue french horn and shows up at Robin's doorstep with the french horn she mentioned she wanted in hand. I tried to find a YouTube clip, since that would be better and more romantic than me trying to explain the story, but alas I could not find one.

The moral of this story was that Ted would do anything for Robin, and he did. Not saying what he did was morally right, stealing and all, but it sure was romantic! ;)

And this is what Vance got me this year. Make sure you read the note :)

What makes the story even cuter is that Vance found a bronze colored horn necklace somewhere on his own, and then painted it blue himself. He went to a craft store, had to find the right color of paint, and worked on this little project a few weeks ago when I was away at a baby shower. I had no idea he had any thoughtful tricks up his sleeve for me this year, but he did! Sure do love my man and all that he does to make me feel so special. I am not sure how I got so lucky, but I'm not complaining!

The orchids were a nice touch, because they STILL look brand new at my desk. No sign of wilting, and they have lots of buds still waiting to bloom. I get so many compliments on them at work, and every time I glance over and look at them I am reminded what a great husband I have.

Thank you for letting me brag.

On a side note, I had fun making Valentines for my co-workers this year. I've designed a few tags and labels for a lady who makes and sells gourmet chocolate (Bella Rose Chocolates if you want to look it up), and I asked if I could be paid in chocolate rather than money this time. I ordered some chocolate mustaches from her, and they made for entertaining (and delicious!) Valentine's.

Thanks for letting me share the love with you!

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